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At Spiffy’s Car Wash we love our customers. So, we like to keep them happy with monthly giveaways!

Every few weeks, or once a month, we like to keep things interesting by giving someone a FREE car wash at Spiffy’s. Here’s your chance for January 2015!

All you have to do to enter is go to our Facebook page, ‘Like’ Spiffy’s and ‘Like’ the Monthly Giveaway post. That’s it! And, we will even give you an extra entry into the giveaway if you ‘Share’ the post. And, another BONUS entry if you signup for our monthly email newsletter (click “Enter to Win” on our Facebook page)!

To reigister click this link!

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Spiffy’s is Tuscaloosa’s ONLY Full-service Car Wash. And, we do Oil Changes, too! Make sure that you ‘Like’ Spiffy’s on Facebook by clicking this link.